How to get Victorious Blitzcrank skin in League of Legends: 3 unique ways! There are three different ways that you can get Victorious Blitzcrank skin in League of Legends. The first way is to win a ranked game at the end of each season. The second way is to purchase it from the Riot Store, and the third way is to receive it as a reward for being in the top 3% of players in your region during Worlds. Let’s go over each of these methods in more detail.
How to get Victorious Blitzcrank skin: Unique qualities of Victorious Blitzcrank
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Victorious Blitzcrank skin is one of the most unique skins in the game. It was first released in 2021 and was only available to players who had reached Platinum rank in Ranked play. The Victorious Blitzcrank skin is a recoloration of the original Blitzcrank skin, with a gold trim and Victorious ward animation. The Victorious Blitzcrank skin is no longer available for purchase, but it can still be obtained by reaching Platinum rank in Ranked play. If you haven’t yet reached Platinum rank, don’t worry – keep playing and you’ll get there eventually!
First way to get Victorious Blitzcrank skin: Reach rank 20
The first way to get the Victorious Blitzcrank skin is by winning a ranked game at the end of each season. If you manage to reach rank 20 or above before the end of the season, then you will be rewarded with the Victorious Blitzcrank skin. However, if you are not able to reach rank 20 before the end of the season, then you can still get the skin by winning a game in the promotional ranked ladder.
The promotional ranked ladder is a special ranked queue that is only available for a limited time. It is open at the beginning of each new season and it allows players to rank up from Bronze 5 all the way to Platinum 1.
Second way to get Victorious Blitzcrank skin: Riot Store Sales
The second way to get the Victorious Blitzcrank skin is to purchase it from the Riot Store. The skin costs 1200 Riot Points, which is equivalent to $12 USD. If you are not interested in spending money on skins, then you can also try your luck in one of the periodic sales that Riot hosts. These sales usually offer discounts on different skins, including the Victorious Blitzcrank skin.
Third way to get Victorious Blitzcrank skin: Become one of the best players in your region
The third way to get the Victorious Blitzcrank skin is to receive it as a reward for being in the top 3% of players in your region during Worlds. This means that you will need to have achieved a high ranking during the Worlds season. The exact ranking requirements will vary from region to region, but most regions require you to be in the top 3% of players in order to qualify for the reward.
So, those are three different ways that you can get Victorious Blitzcrank skin in League of Legends. If you are looking to obtain this skin, then I would recommend trying your luck in one of the ranked queues or participating in one of Riot’s sales. Good luck and I hope you get the skin that you desire.
Victorious Blitzcrank Chromas

Victorious Blitzcrank skin chromas are a special type of cosmetic item that can be applied to Victorious Blitzcrank in League of Legends. There are a total of 10 Victorious skin chromas, with each one representing a different color scheme. Victorious Blitzcrank skin chromas can be obtained as rewards from certain events or purchased from the Riot Store. Once applied, Victorious Blitzcrank skin chromas will change the appearance of Victorious Blitzcrank in-game. Victorious Blitzcrank skin chromas are a great way to add a bit of personalization to your favorite champion!
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