How to get Pool Party Caitlyn skin on LoL: 3 easy methods! If you’re looking to get your hands on the new Pool Party Caitlyn skin, then you’ve come to the right place. We’ll show you three easy methods for acquiring it.
How to get Pool Party Caitlyn skin: All about Caitlyn and Pool Party skin line
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If you like casual and fun skins, you will definitely love the Pool Party Caitlyn skin on League Of Legends. Her cool walk, fondness for alcohol, and flashy body make her a popular choice amongst the community. She also has a cool gun and shoots anything that gets in her way. Unlike most other skins, hers has crisp sound effects.
The Pool Party Caitlyn skin on League Of Legends was introduced during a summer event, and she looks absolutely fantastic in it. Her outfit is reminiscent of a beach vacation, complete with a bikini, and her ability has water effects. The cost of the skin is 1350 Riot Points, but the new particles make her abilities look amazing, too. The summer event was a huge hit for the summer event, and the Pool Parties have already begun.
Before being included in the League of Legends roster, Caitlyn had only one voice line, which is now a popular player choice. This character also has a connection to Vi, the first transgender champion, and mentions that she will be sad to lose her partner when Jinx is defeated. Her voice lines have remained the same since she was introduced in the game, but expect some updates soon.
If you’re one of the people who play the League of Legends game, then you might be interested in the new Skins for Pool Party. These new skins will give your character a more vibrant look and feel. The line is full of characters with unique looks, from Draven and Jarvan to Taliyah and Surfer Singed. It is available in the League of Legends Shop.
The Pool Party skin line will have a few new champions, including Orianna, Sett, and Braum. These champions have fun, splashy, water-colored gear. As with all League of Legends champions, they’ll add some new enjoyment to the game’s solo queue games. They’ll be coming soon to the PBE and MSI, and you’ll be able to get them before they’re even released.
How to get Pool Party Caitlyn skin following 3 different directions

Let’s now find out three different ways to get Pool Party Caitlyn skin!
Method 1: Buying it from the Riot Store
The first and most straightforward way to get Pool Party Caitlyn skin is by purchasing it from the Riot Store. It’ll set you back 1350 RP, but it’s well worth it for one of the coolest skins in the game.
Method 2: Obtaining it through a code giveaway
Another way to get Pool Party Caitlyn skin is by obtaining a code from a code giveaway. This can be done by visiting various websites or following Riot on social media. Codes are usually given away ahead of big events, so be on the lookout for them.
Method 3: Earning it through playing the game
The last way to get your hands on the Pool Party Caitlyn skin is by playing the game and unlocking it through achievements. This can be a bit more challenging than simply purchasing or receiving a code, but it’s still a viable option. Good luck!
Caitlyn Pool Party Skin Chromas

There are six pool party Caitlyn skin chromas in total. Each one of them changes Caitlyn’s outfit and hair color to match a different pool party theme.
The first one is the ‘tropical pool party’ theme, which gives Caitlyn a bright green and orange outfit with a Hawaiian print. Her hair is styled in two long, thick braids that fall over her shoulders.
The second chroma is the ‘underwater pool party’ theme. Caitlyn has a blue and purple scuba diving suit on, with her hair styled into two large buns on either side of her head.
The third chroma is the ‘beach pool party’ theme. Caitlyn has a white bikini top and a bright red sarong, with her hair styled into two messy buns on top of her head.
The fourth chroma is the ‘pool party’ theme. Caitlyn has a blue and white pool party outfit on, with her hair in two long pigtails.
The fifth chroma is the ‘summer pool party’ theme. Caitlyn has a pink and yellow sun dress on, with her hair styled into two small buns on either side of her head.
The sixth and final chroma is the ‘glamour pool party’ theme. Caitlyn has a black and gold evening gown on, with her hair styled into a sleek high ponytail.
Click here if you like to find out how to attain Pool Party Braum skin on League of Legends.
Click here if you like to get Pool Party Caitlyn skin.