How to Get Lunar Beast Annie Skin: 3 Unique Ways to Obtain It! There are three ways to get the Lunar Beast Annie skin in League of Legends. The first way is by opening a lunar event chest that is rewarded to players who have reached level 5 during the event. The second way is by purchasing it with Riot Points. The third way is by participating in the Champion Select Skin Voting Gauntlet and winning. Players have a chance to obtain the lunar beast Annie skin as one of the possible rewards.
Discover 3 Ways on How to Get Lunar Beast Annie Skin
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Lunar Beast Annie is one of the most powerful champions in League of Legends. She is a Lunar Goddess and her Lunar Beast skin gives her the ability to transform into a ferocious beast. Lunar Beast Annie is extremely powerful and has the ability to take down entire teams by herself. She is a force to be reckoned with and any team that faces her should be prepared for a long and difficult battle. Lunar beast annie release date was February 4, 2021.
Lunar Beast Annie is an incredibly strategic champion and her skin gives her an extra level of power that makes her even more dangerous. Any team that faces Lunar Beast Annie should be prepared for a tough fight.ngle. If you are lucky enough to have LunarBeast Annie on your team, you are sure to dominate the game. Without further do, let’s find out how to get Lunar Beast Annie Skin!
How to Get Lunar Beast Annie Skin: Opening Lunar Event Chest

Upon reaching level 5 in the lunar chest event, players are treated to a number of different rewards. These rewards can be anything from extra experience points to new champions or skins. However, the most coveted prize of all is the chance to open a lunar chest. These chests contain a wealth of valuable items, including rare skins and Champions. Opening a lunar chest is not an easy task, however, as players must first overcome a number of difficult challenges. Nevertheless, the rewards are well worth the effort, making the lunar chest event one of the most popular events in League of Legends.
The first prize is a lunar chest that contains a random selection of 10 champion skins. These champion skins will be determined by your region and you will be able to choose from a variety of different skin lines. The second prize is an exclusive summoner icon that can only be obtained through this event. Finally, the third prize is a chance to win one of three mystery gifts. These mystery gifts could contain anything from RP to dragon eggs!
How to Get Lunar Beast Skin for Annie: Purchase It with Riot Points

Anyone who plays the popular game League of Legends knows that there are many different ways to show off your style. One way is by purchasing skins for your favorite champions. While some skins can be purchased with in-game currency, others can only be bought with Riot Points. So, how can you purchase skins with Riot Points?
The first step is to log into your account and select the “Store” option. From there, you will be able to browse through all of the available skins. When you find the skin you want, click on it and select the “Purchase with riot points” option. Finally, enter your billing information and confirm the purchase. And that’s it! Once the transaction is complete, the skin will be yours to show off!
Get Lunar Beast Annie Skin by Winning the Champion Select Skin Voting Gauntlet

The champion select skin voting gauntlet is a new way for players to get champion skins. To participate, players simply need to go to the champion select screen and vote for the skin they want. The more votes a skin gets, the more likely it is to be released. Players can also earn rewards by voting for skins. The top three vote-getters will receive an exclusive champion select skin, and the top 100 players will receive a free champion rotation slot. So make your voice heard and participate in the champion select skin voting gauntlet today!
All players can participate in the champion select skin voting gauntlet by playing a game with champion skins enabled. They can then vote for their favorite champion skin after the game ends. The champion with the most votes will be the winner of the champion select skin voting gauntlet. If a player is unsure of which champion skin to vote for, they can ask their friends or look up information on the internet. The champion select skin voting gauntlet is a great way to get players involved in champion skin selection and to also give them a chance to show off their favorite champion skins.
Here, we have listed 3 different ways on how to get Lunar Beast Annie skin from League of Legends. Thanks for reading! We hope this helped.
If you want to check out other champion and skin combos from League of Legends, then go to this article.
If you want to purchase your Lunar Beast Annie skin today, then go to this link.