How to get El Tigre Braum skin on League of Legends: 3 easy ways! There are three different ways on how to get the El Tigre Braum skin on League of Legends. The first way is by purchasing it from the store for 1350 Riot Points. The second way is by unlocking it with the achievements called “Tigers on the Hunt” and “The Howling Abyss”. The third way is by winning a game in which you are playing as Braum and the other team has at least one El Tigre on their team. You win and take the skin as loot.
How to get El Tigre Braum skin: All about El Tigre Braum skin
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El Tigre Braum is one of the many skins that are available in the game League of Legends. This particular skin gives Braum, the character, a tiger-like makeover complete with orange and black stripes. In addition to this new look, the skin also comes with new animations and particle effects. For example, when Braum uses his ulti-mate ability, a large tiger paw will appear on screen and swat at his enemies. If you’re a fan of tigers or simply looking for a new and exciting skin for your favorite character, then El Tigre Braum is definitely worth checking out.
Let’s get right into 3 different ways to get El Tigre Braum skin!
First way to attain El Tigre Braum skin: Using Riot Points

If you’re excited to purchase the El Tigre Braum skin in League of Legends, you’ll need to have Riot Points ready. Riot Points are an in-game purchase that can be made using real money. To purchase El Tigre Braum, log into your League of Legends account and click on the “Store” button. From there, select “Riot Points” and choose the amount you’d like to purchase. Once your purchase is complete, the El Tigre Braum skin will be added to your account immediately. You can then equip it on Braum by going to his champion page and selecting the skin from the drop-down menu.
If you need any further assistance, feel free to reach out to Riot Games customer support.
Second way to get El Tigre Braum skin: Achievements
If you’re looking to unlock the El Tigre Braum skin in League of Legends, you’ll need to complete two achievements: Tigers on the Hunt and The Howling Abyss. For Tigers on the Hunt, you’ll need to win three games in a row with a friend while playing as Braum. The Howling Abyss achievement requires you to win 10 games on the Howling Abyss map. Once you’ve completed both achievements, the El Tigre Braum skin will be unlocked for you to use. Good luck!
Third way to get El Tigre Braum skin: Looting from the opposition
To get the El Tigre Braum skin in League of Legends, you’ll need to loot it from the opposite team. The best way to do this is to wait until you’re in a match with a team that has the skin, and then kill them and take their loot. You can also try to trade with someone who has the skin, but they may not be willing to part with it. If you’re lucky, you might be able to find the skin in a chest or box, but this is rare. If you really want the El Tigre Braum skin, then you’ll need to put in the effort and get it from another player. Good luck!
Click here if you like to read on how to obtain Debonair Brand skin in League of Legends.
Click here if you like to watch official spotlight for El Tigre Braum skin.